Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

"There's a rainbow always after the rain... " as the hit song Rainbow popularized by South Border goes. 
I could not believe that it has already been over 3 months since Dad left us. My family went through our darkest moments when we lost our father. I shared that story HERE. Through God's abundant grace and blessings, I can say that we are all moving on and living our lives again. I know for sure that Dad will be proud of us now, wherever he may be. We are now able to smile and live our lives back. We're all helping each other to be better and live better.

This year is the first Father's Day that we celebrated without Dad physically. My family went to the cemetery to celebrate it there in memory of him. We offered a glass of cold Coke that Dad used to crave a lot when he still lived. Since he was actually prohibited to drink sodas because he's diabetic, we'd just sometimes give him a small sip of soda or  a  little bite of some sweet desserts. Then, he'd exclaim, "Labis labis ang saraaap!" (Extremely deliciouuuus! =p )
Oh how I miss those special moments with Dad!

 This is a double dutch cake from Goldilocks. I think this is the best cake I've tasted from them so far. Mom bought this and she even reminded me to take this photo. =)
We'd still always have moments when we feel like we're about to cry because we miss Dad so much. It does not mean that we're weak. We just miss him a lot. =')
I've recently rekindled with old friends who have also lost theirs or their fathers are very sick. I know how painful it is and I can't even find the best word to describe the feeling.

So if you still have your fathers with you around, be sure to always hug and kiss them and tell them how much you love them. Show them how much you love them! You are very blessed to still have your Dads with you who would always make sure that life is safe for you. Make them feel special, father's day or not.

How about you? How did you celebrate father's day? =)


  1. im sure he was very happy to see you guys there. he never really left. he's there with you, taking care of the fam. and as i always tell you, we're always here for you ails! <3


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